Diego Guachiac y Guachiac

Industry Professional and Executive Director

Diego is the Executive Director of Casa Sulis. He graduated from Colegio Santa Maria as a nurse assistant, and is currently the Property Manager of Casa Serenidad, where he is in charge of managing, hiring, and overseeing the performance of employees. Diego has also been a member of the Junta Electoral Municipal de la elecciones generales del 2011.

Diego is highly respected and esteemed by many members of the Santa Cruz community, where the primary language spoken is Kaqchikel. Not only Diego speaks Kaqchikel fluently, but he also speaks Quiche and Spanish. What makes him the ideal candidate for this position is his compassion and sensitivity to those less fortunate, be it animals or people. Diego treats everyone with respect, is trustworthy, is a man of his word, takes pride in what he does, and last but not least, loves Santa Cruz La Laguna and envisions a better Santa Cruz, for both, animals and people. Due to his charisma and the way he treats others, he has been successful in starting the animal care movement in Santa Cruz, where he has the consistent cooperation of at least 20 volunteers for our sterilization clinics.

Diego lives in Santa Cruz La Laguna, Sololá, Guatemala with his wife, Carmen, daughter, Ana, sons, Alex and Luis, and his dogs, Canelo and Toby.